This page is here as a target for incoming links to this website
See below for where to go next, and/or for more explanations

Where to go next:
Linking to this website
You can link to most pages in this website with a fair amount of confidence, as we're most reluctant to change page names (and that's one of the reasons for this reluctance). If the specific tuning you want has moved, it will normally have moved down the tunings hierarchy, and there will be a link to it. For this and other reasons it's normally best not to use permalinks to link to this site but there are occasions when you might want to, see permalinks for details.
This page itself is a particularly good one to link to
in emails, for example, or anywhere else that you don't have complete control over the HTML.
Just put the URL anywhere in the text and many (not all, but many) programs, particularly email programs, will automatically create a link to this page.
And that's this page's whole reason for being: To allow you and others to easily provide a fairly self-descriptive link to this website in these situations.
The URL of the site home page,, will be a better link target in many situations, it's short (deliberately) but not so descriptive. And while not quite as short will also take you to the site home page and may be a useful URL in still other situations.
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