
waffle pages

Page history last edited by Andrew Alder 7 years ago

Despite the disparaging name, waffle pages, and the waffle on some of the tunings pages too, are an important part of the site content.


They often give a little music theory or explanation, historical or musicological context, as background to help you to recognise and understand the tuning you want. They're not intended to be a comprehensive primer on their subject, although they may be a helpful start.


And their content and accuracy matter. No point in the tuning being right if you can't decide whether or not it's the one you are looking for, or if you can't understand how it's set out here. They do from time to time contain opinions, but hopefully these are clearly identifiable as such. 


In a way the purpose of waffle pages is just to reduce the amount of waffle on tunings pages (see site structure). If they're helpful in other ways too, that's a bonus.


Waffle pages include:



and many others.


Standards and Conventions is not a waffle page. Oh, no. It's part of the vital primary structure of this site. In fact in general, waffle pages won't be on the sidebar. They're important, but not that important. One important exception is this page itself, which is borderline waffle, but important for navigation (so it does appear on the sidebar).

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